Neighborhood Watch

Getting Started
Neighbors should form a group with a common goal, deter criminal activity in their neighborhood. How the groups are set up is completely up to the group, but there should be a partnership in place with local law enforcement. Visit the national site to learn more about how to get started and to register your watch group.

Street Signs
Neighborhood Watch signs are a great way to show potential criminals that your neighborhood is on high alert for any suspicious activity. Contact your local law enforcement to find out how to order a sign.

Group Meetings
Once a group has been established, it is a good idea to meet regularly and discuss the program in general and any new ideas that may help.
Accidents, fires, weather damage, burglaries—they’re the stuff of nightmares. For good reason: when something goes wrong in your home, it feels like something has gone wrong in your life. And when disaster strikes, the worst part is realizing all the things you could have done to prevent it. Learn more about this program and all of the resources available including forming your own neighborhood watch program at